The world's first drug to prevent a hangover

and neutralize alcohol in the blood, which really works!


ZINALpro - developed at the University of Milan, Italy. It contains a special, patented formula ZINAL Compound that provides compensation and an increase in the intensity levels of the functions of specific enzymes involved in the metabolism of ethanol at all stages of its biotransformation.

ZINALpro is the first natural drug on the Russian market whose effectiveness and claimed properties have been scientifically proven by clinical studies in drug treatments medical institutions in Russia.

Clinical trials of  ZINALpro






Description of ZINALpro:

ZINALpro provides the splitting and processing of ethanol (alcohol) molecules during sleep, preventing serious conditions caused by alcohol excess. ZINAL pro begins its action 30 minutes after ingestion. Provides prevention of abstinent syndrome (hangover) after taking even large amounts of alcohol and conditions turning into a long binge. Protects the liver from damage caused by alcohol abuse.

ZINALpro has the effect of rapid (20-30 min) sobering up. When signs of intoxication occur, intake of ZINAL pro contributes to a rapid decrease in alcohol levels in the blood and lungs.

In case when it is necessary to drink alcohol, but if you want to maintain a state of sobriety and clarity of mind, intake of ZINALpro will ensure that there are no signs of intoxication.

ZINALpro will minimize the impact of alcohol in a situation where you can’t refuse to drink it.

The course admission for 6 months of ZINALpro helps to reduce the craving for alcohol and / or narcotic drugs.



ZINAL pro is available in 2 forms of issue.

ZINALpro is a package with 10 capsules 630 mg each (3-5 doses).

ZINALpro "Z" Elixir - 25 ml bottle with mint flavor (1 dose).






AZIENDA AGRICOLA CAPIETAL ITALIA per ALITHEA S.R.L. Vicolo Gesu 7/920020 Busto Garolfo (MI) Milano, Italy.

Certificate of state registration in the Russian Federation

and the EAEU countries:


Declaration of Conformity:

EAEU No. RU D-RU.RD04.V.04456/19

Dosage and administration:

ZINALpro pack of 10 capsules

When using moderate doses of alcohol corresponding to 200 grams of strong alcohol (40 degrees and above) or 0.75 liters. (dry wine), 2-3 capsules after taking alcohol or before going to bed.

When using large doses of strong alcohol up to 300 – 500 gr or 1.5 liters of dry wine, 4 capsules after taking alcohol or before going to bed.

To improve well-being (a quick sobering effect), 2-3 capsules at a time, during the intake of alcohol.

If it is necessary to drink alcohol, if you want to maintain a state of sobriety and clarity of mind and lack of signs of intoxication, 4 capsules of ZINALpro before and after taking alcohol.

In the course of taking Zialipro - 1 capsule daily, before going to bed, for 6 months.

Elixir ZINALpro "Z"

Method of admission by analogy with the drug ZINALpro (pack of 10 capsules). Use a bottle of 25 ml once.

Attention! It is not recommended to take ZINALpro products on an empty stomach.

The mechanism of action of ZINALpro:

The main goal of ZINALpro is to PREVENT a HANGOVER, not to fight it, when the toxic products of alcohol breakdown have already filled your circulatory system, exerting their destructive effects.

ZINALpro works by breaking down ethanol molecules WHEN YOU SLEEP, providing you with a guarantee of a good, not a hard morning. The versatility of the drug also consists in the fact that it can be used for rapid (up to 30 minutes) sobering up, when it is necessary, as well as in cases when even large doses of alcohol are consumed.

ZINALpro contains the patented ZINAL Compound formula, which helps to compensate and increase the intensity level of special enzymes involved in ethanol metabolism at all stages.

When the body receives the required amount of the special

formula ZINAL Compound contained in the composition of

ZINALpro, after 30 minutes the level of alcohol in the blood and lungs decreases significantly, a state of sobering up occurs, the next morning a hangover will prevent as well as unpleasant smell of alcohol from the mouth will disappear.

With course admission of ZINALpro  for 6 months helps to stop the deficiency of essential enzymes, reduce cravings for alcohol and / or drugs, recover heart and brain activity.

The course of taking ZINALpro effectively contributes to the normalization of sexual function and spermatogenesis in men, improves tissue regeneration, structure and growth of hair and nails.

The composition of the drug also includes a number of unique components with powerful antioxidant properties, as well as functions to protect and cleanse the liver from the toxic effects of alcohol.

The composition of  ZINALpro:

GLUTAMIC ACID - promotes the regulation of metabolic processes in the central nervous system, the neutralization and excretion of ammonia from the body, prevents the reduction of redox potential, increases the body's resistance to hypoxia.

SPIRULINA - serves as an enterosorbent and helps to remove excess fluid from the body. Promotes normalization of blood pressure, proper metabolism and recovery of a weakened body.

CHLORELLA - helps to cleanse the body of toxic compounds.

ELEUTHEROCOCCUS - is a stimulating and tonic. Taking eleuthero- coccus helps to increase energy and vitality.

GINGER - has carminative, antispasmodic, tonic effects, improves metabolism and digestion. Helps fight nausea and motion sickness.

ZINC -  is the most important constituent element of more than 2000 enzymes, one of which is alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), which is necessary for detoxification from alcohol contained in tissues. A special form of biological zinc has been created for our composition, which provides the greatest  absorbability and bioavailability of zinc for all body systems.



GINKGO BILOBA - is a gymnosperm plant containing ginkgolides, known for their ability to increase the elasticity of the vascular walls of the brain and dilate blood vessels, which, in turn, improves the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the brain.

THIAMINE (VITAMIN B1) - is necessary for normal metabolic processes in the body. It is an important participant in carbohydrate metabolism, which contributes to the saturation of the brain with energy.

SUCCINIC ACID - has a beneficial effect on the brain, counteracts stress, normalizes the nervous system, stimulates insulin production, has a stimulating and strengthening effect on the immune system, inhibits the toxic effects of magnetic waves and radiation on the body. It is used for severe alcohol poisoning or to prevent them. Helps the absorption of oxygen by cells, enhancing cellular respiration. So, when succinic acid is added, liver cells consume oxygen 60 times faster.



Scientific research and clinical studies

The creation of the ZINAL Compound formula, which is part of composition of products ZINALpro "Z" line, was preceded by a total period of scientific development and preclinical research for more than 7 years.

Thanks to the long-term experience and cooperation of the manufacturer Median Group with prestigious international and Russian universities and advanced research centers, clinical studies and publications in scientific journals have a consistently high reputation.





ZINALpro "Z" products line is manufactured at production sites designed in accordance with the highest international quality standards, with technologies and criteria used by leading pharmaceutical plants. Starting from the preparation of raw materials and ending with mass production, careful quality control performed in production areas, processes and final products in accordance with GMP standards.

Advantages of ZINALpro:

The impeccable, patented formula of ZINAL Compound in the composition of ZINAL pro products, which provides replenishment and an increase in rate of ethanol metabolism processes.

Contains the highest quality ingredients from Europe, South America, Japan and Southeast Asia.

The action and effectiveness have been scientifically proven by clinical studies in drug treatments medical institutions of the Russian Federation.

Safety and no side effects.

The absence of real, scientifically proven hangover prevention products on the market.



ZINALpro (pack of 10 capsules) and ZINALpro "Z" elixir (25 ml bottle) can be ordered with home delivery or to the nearest pharmacy, as well as bought in pharmacies of the Russian Federation or in retail chains Azbuka Vkusa, Lenta, Perekrestok and others.


Order or purchase ZINALpro  for a one-time or course admission and

be healthy!

Trademarks: Mediana Group®, ZINALpro «Z»® -  are the property of Mediana Group LLC.

All rights reserved.

©2012 Mediana Group. e-mail: